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personal & professional development

Consultant in Management and Coaching, Trainer in Human Sciences,

Lionel Lainard helps organisations, their managers and teams to put lasting and positive change in place.


Since 2008, specialized in:

  - humanistic leadership

  - process of creativity

  - conditions for group/individual that facilitate creative/intuitive brain/body abilities

  - body-based psychotherapy works held in warm water pool.


Working within various environments (SME, large companies, Institutions of Foreign Affairs Ministry, NGO),

Lionel supports technicians, managers, senior executives,

professors, students,

high-level sportsmen, artists,

independent doctors, therapists, doctors in science,

and private individuals.


Many people have been trusting Lionel :
- More than 200 interventions at Airbus Group
- 38 lectures in the USA, 20 lectures in Europe (meetings of 30 to 800 people)

- 130 training sesions given
- More than 500 people have been assisted individually
- 8000 people benefited from Lionel's expertise.


Face-to-face work and group workshops :


  > Professional Coaching :
Here for you at key moments (conflicts, changes, new challenges…), Lionel will support you with the guidance you need to achieve your goals, in the success of your professional and personal progression.


   > Management consulting :
From his culture, his experience and solid training in Coaching and Team Building
(during 6 years with trainers certified by Transformance, Vincent Lenhardt), Lionel will suggest you relevant options.


  > Group therapy sessions :
Using a powerful combination of techniques*, Lionel leads body/mind/psycho-emotional therapeutic works which are mostly run
in 35° warm water pool. Within a 12 people group, we do individual and collective works. An intense and extraordinary life-changing experience, in a loving and caring family spirit guided by Lionel.

  * inspired by Wilhelm Reich's techniques, Alexander Lowen's "5 characters", Eric Berne's "transactional analysis", Lise Bourbeau's "5 wounds", Vincent Lenhardt's "Bioscenarios", Carl Rogers, Donald Winnicott, Alice Miller and Abraham Maslow concepts, visceral resilience techniques from healing tradition of Indian and Tibetan practices.


   > Trainings :
- Humanistic Coaching basics
(how to assist people and teams in their evolution, to reinforce their confidence, motivation, performance and autonomy)
- Strengthening one’s Management skills (level 1)
- Developing one’s Leadership assets (level 2)
- Techniques for improvisational performances (to develop creative/intuitive intelligence, enhance verbal communication skills, body language, confidence, ease on stage)
- How to deal with stress.


   > Conferences (mostly about the Humanistic Leadership, Creativity and Improvisation Tools for human skills development):
In USA : 38 lectures performed for meetings of 50-800 people.
In Europe : 20 performed, 30-600 people.



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© Lionel Lainard – N° SIREN 530369883 – Toulouse – Code APE 7022Z Organisme de formation enregistré sous le n° 76310895331 auprès de la DIRECCTE Occitanie (Direction Régionale des Entreprises, de la Concurrence, de la Consommation, du Travail et de l’Emploi). « Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’état »